Monday, July 18, 2011

Pre-CHA Happenings

Hey all! Greetings from Chicago!
Thought I would share a few fun little tidbits from my pre-CHA day today. 

1. The three hour trip to the airport went well. Got my bag all checked and headed to security where the guy in front of me had several cans of beer in his backpack. He had no idea he couldn't take it. Also went through with a cell phone and big belt with a metal buckle on. Hmmmm. At least he wasn't on my flight. Oh, and did I mention he didn't have a driver's license for ID? Don't know how he made it through that.

2. Beautiful, smooth flight to Chicago. I slept halfway. As soon as we landed I got a call that my hotel had changed. What?? I guess several rooms in my booked, employee rate hotel (I do some internet work for two hotels in town) with a shuttle to the convention center had flooded. So they had to switch me to a different CHA shuttle. BUT -- totally comped room (paid for by original chain since I had to switch). And I have my own personal shuttle guy named Martin that takes me wherever and picks me up! Pretty nice. And the air conditioning works!! Good thing, because I walked almost 6000 steps since 4 PM - not bad, but my ankles look like they belong on an elephant. It is so humid and hot! We will see what the count is tomorrow.

3. Great dinner with Kate Baldwin of i {heart} papers, and Deb Felts, Carolyn Mustopa, Kendra Wietstock, Lori Tecler, Lynn Mercurio with some yummy Chicago-style pizza and a great raspberry drink. Yum.

4. I didn't bring my camera - sorry!! It is so big and bulky (I need a little snap camera!) with its giant lenses and I didn't want to lug it around. So maybe others will have pictures.

5. Long day - left my house at 9 AM, so I am ready to sleep. BUT - head over to Top Tip Tuesday, and see all the wonderful designs for this week's challenge: SHAPED CARDS. Pretty stuff! Night!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That sounds like a great trip thus far!
    That dinner sounds wonderful! Some amazing women (Kendra is the only one I have met IRL.)

    Take care, be safe, stay cool!


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